Sunday, June 22, 2008

Review of "Summer" by Jon Foreman

Jon Foreman just released his last EP, "Summer," in his 4-part set.

Best parts:
My favorite song on the CD is "Instead of a Show."

Jon points out the hypocrites in the church and those who are concerned with showy appeal. He emphasizes, "Instead, let be there a flood of justice... an endless procession of righteous living... instead of a show." With the Refinery opening today, this really hit home because I know and trust that Saddleback is NOT about a show, but about loving people and seeking to bring them to righteous living, more "refined," if you will. :)

He pulls this right out of Amos 5:21-24. What a powerful message!

Overall Album Grade: A

1 comment:

Dennis Beckner said...

You're onto something there. Saddleback's not perfect by any means, but they really have that one down.