Friday, July 25, 2008

Dealing with Discouragement

I was having some discouragement today and thought about what I could do to handle it better. Here's what I came up with:

1. Realize it's not about you. Discouragement is very me-centered. It's ugly, selfish, and wrong. For example, I'm discouraged because I don't get what I think I need, I receive negative comments from others, or I think my leadership isn't strong enough. Especially in ministry, you have to ask yourself, "Who are you doing this for?" Is it for you? For your image? For others? Or is it for God? Can you honestly say, "I'm doing this for you, Lord"? If you're truly doing it for God, you can't go wrong... He sees every action, appreciates every act of service, and smiles at every single glory.

2. Respond to discouragement with encouragement. Although it may be the hardest thing to do in a situation, it is the most rewarding. If you can receive negativity and counter it with positivity, you can never go wrong! You improve every situation and bring light to darkness. If you always encourage instead of discourage, you will always be a part of the solution and never a contribution to the problem.

3. Reconsider your expectations. Don't project your expectations onto others! Just because you are motivated, don't expect others to be motivated. Yes, you are always on time, but you can't expect everyone else to be on time. Sure, you always go out of your way to encourage others, but you shouldn't expect your co-workers to encourage you. Having high expectations of others sets you up to be constantly disappointed. Simply be who you are, and accept others as they are. You will not be the one to change them!

4. Recognize your role and push your limits. If you are frustrated with your role or feel like you aren't being challenged, encouraged, or appreciated, do something about it! You're as discouraged as you choose to be. Figure out a solution... find a way to challenge yourself, and think of creative ways to come to a solution. You may say, "But I'm just a ______ (your position/role), I can't fix this!" Instead of throwing your hands in the air and wallowing in pity, go beyond your self-imposed limits! You're only defeated once you've given up. So don't give up!

Wow. Discouragement? Come on... hit me, I'm ready!

1 comment:

Dennis Beckner said...

I especially liked #3 and 4. Great thoughts. You should write a book some day. This is good stuff.