Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No Response ... No Surprise

So you don't get a response? That's not a surprise.

Send out a text? Shoot an email? Leave a voicemail? Still, you get nothing.

Is this normal? Yes. Should it be normal? Absolutely not.

I've noticed in the last few years and particularly the last few months that people are becoming less and less responsive. I'll send out a text to 20 people and will get 1 response. I'll email a whole team of people asking them a question or begging for help, but won't end up hearing back from a single soul.


In the last year, I've probably let four or five texts go unanswered and not a single email. I see responsiveness in direct correlation to dependability. Being a dependable person is a HUGE deal to me... I want people to be able to count on me. This makes it hard when I try to count on others, but the only thing I can count on is that I can't count on them.

This is something that has really got me tied up lately. Is it just me or is this really a problem? I'd love to hear your input!


Dennis Beckner said...

You've pinpointed one of my biggest frustrations in life. As I write this, the only thing I can think of that's more annoying is when somebody doesn't use their blinker before cutting me off or turning.

Unknown said...

"I see responsiveness in direct correlation to dependability."

Good quote! As long as you have good boundaries in place and aren't "too accessible" on days off and unavailable times.


Anonymous said...

That absolutely drives me crazy, too. I mean, how do you not respond?