Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Rockin' Summer

At the beginning of my summer, I asked myself, "How can I make the most of this summer?"

I had remembered when the President of APU, Jon Wallace, spoke in chapel, he challenged us to not let this summer pass us by, but to take advantage of it and number the days.

He shared Psalm 90:12, "Lord, teach me to number my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom."

I realized that I have exactly 100 days of Summer until I needed to be back to APU. So, I stole Jon's idea and bought 100 rocks and a canister to put them in. Every day, I have taken a rock out of my canister, put it in my pocket, and prayed over it as the day went on. I then left the rock at my favorite spot for that day.

I have kept a journal of my days, my activities for that day, my prayers for that day, and where I left my rock. It is literally a map of where I've been this summer.

One day, I had an incredible experience in the Refinery, giving tours and watching students get excited about the place they will call "home." I stuck my rock for that day underneath the hole in the ground where the "Refinery" nameplate was going to be filled in with cement. That rock is buried underneath the building!

Today is Day 45 of 100 Days of Summer.

It's already been the greatest summer of my life. :)


Dennis Beckner said...

Love this post. This exercise will help make this a memorable summer. I love journaling and symbolic ways to memorialize important life moments. You're the man.

Bethany said...

Oh my goodness, you are too funny! But what a great idea!